Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Stress Season

As we enter the beginning of the holiday season, most of us experience more stress than we do at any other time of the year. What should be a joyous time turns into pressure of making the family get-togethers idyllic, and for you procrastinators, the start of the shopping season and finding the perfect gifts for loved ones and friends.

What can you do to make this holiday season more enjoyable?

DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. Plan in advance for your upcoming events.

GET ORGANIZED. Don’t hit the grocery store or the mall without a list. On your list, have a budget and stick to it.

KEEP THINGS SIMPLE. Does your Thanksgiving meal take up to a week to prepare? Why not pare the festivities down a little this year and prepare the sentimental traditional dishes, and forget about the rest. Not only will you be under less pressure, but your waistband will too.

TREAT YOURSELF. Don’t forget about #1 during the holidays. Get enough sleep, eat well and continue to exercise. The holidays shouldn’t be an excuse to let your routine fall by the wayside. Take 30 minutes, or longer, and relax; or better yet, get a massage.

Be realistic about your expectations. What can your Virtual Assistant do for you to make this holiday season less stressful?

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