Doesn't it seem that sometimes we need an extra ten to 20 hours added to our work week just to get everything accomplished?
Maybe its not more hours that are needed, but time management and organization. If your time is managed properly, you may even find an extra 10 hours a week to play instead of work.
· Clean out the clutter at your work space. Create an In-box and Out-box and keep them both up-to-date. Do you really need that rubber band ball rolling around on your desk, knocking over the stuffed animal and the six pictures of your kids/grandkids/pets? Remove anything from your desk that isn't essential to getting your day-to-day work done. Organize your work tools so there's a place for everything and everything is always in place. Everything should have a “home” and be returned to that home after use.
· Keep a large trash can next to your desk. Any papers that aren't essential need to be thrown away immediately.
· Create a To-Do List. Prioritize your day, week and month and stick to the plan. Creating a priority list is a way of cleaning out the clutter in your head.
· Put everything on your calendar (only use ONE calendar for both personal and business) and check items and events off once they have been accomplished. Make it a habit to look at your calendar every morning and again every evening before you leave the office. Not only will you be ready for a new day, you'll see what you accomplished yesterday!
· Set Goals for yourself and achieve them.
· Sort your mail as soon as it is delivered. Throw junk mail away immediately (in that large trash can next to your desk) and make separate piles for your bills and correspondence.
· Set time aside on Monday morning to pay bills all at once (they'll already be in their own little pile, neatly organized and waiting).
· Set specific times aside to return phone calls and read and reply to e-mails. Instead of multi-tasking, handle one project at a time and set an hour or two aside each day to return all your phone calls and e-mails so your project at hand goes uninterrupted.
· Color code your priorities. Use colored file folders or tabs and separate your projects (i.e., Red - Important/Immediate Project, Green - Ongoing Project, Yellow - Less Important Project). Take time to review your projects from time to time as priorities may change and your files will need to be updated accordingly.
· Clear and re-organize your work space at the end of the day. You'll be relieved to walk into an organized work space the next morning.
Now the only thing you need to worry about is how you’re going to enjoy your extra hours of play time every week.
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